Szkoła Podstawowa im. Powstańców 1863 roku w Lututowie

Podsumowanie drugiego zadania w ramach przygotowań do Lututowskiego Biegu Wolności

Czas na podsumowanie drugiego zadania. Wasze zadanie polegało na wybraniu się na spacer obowiązkowo z osobą towarzyszącą i wysłaniu screena z tej aktywności.
Druga część tego wyzwania polegała na zrobieniu zdjęcia wiosennego i opisanie go po angielsku.
Dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom za udział! Jesteście the best! Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskali:

1. Alicja Sokołowska IIIA – 34,89km
2. David Mutrescu, Dawid Wojtal VA – 22,26km
3. Marcin Ślązak VIIB – 17,8km

Gratulujemy! Dziękujemy również za piękne opisy, widać, że angielski macie opanowany w bardzo dobrym stopniu!

Alicja Sokołowska IIIA - There are tall tress on the photo.

Ksawery Matynia IVB - Two days ago I went on a walk with my family. Spring is very beautiful season. When it's warm you can spend time outside. Me and my family like to ride a bike and go for a walk in the forest. In my picture you can see a dandelion. I really like them because we can blow on them. They fly in all directions of the world. It's very funny and interesting.

Adrian Rębski VA - In the photo we can see a stork nest. Beautiful sunset. Beautiful blue sky with nice clouds.

David Mutrescu, Dawid Wojtal VA - We Dawid Wojtal and David Mutrescu are classmates. We live on the same neighborhood so we decided to do this project together as a team. Nearly everyday we go outside together. Often Dawid’s brother Paweł joins us. We ride our bikes, run or roller skate. Sometimes we play in ‘ hide and seek’ and when we get tired we play chess outdoors. The photo shows the street where we both live. In the foreground we are sitting on the benches. In the background there are tress and more benches . Also there is grass everywhere. In the middle there is a table. It’s very functional because it has a chess board on the top. Additionally there is a garden gazebo but you can’t see it on the picture. The gazebo has got a roof so we can protect ourselves from sun or rain. We are happy that the spring finally arrived so we can spend together even more time outside. -

Natalia Dębska VB - There is a beautiful flower in my photos. He smells beautiful. I love spring flowers.

Krystian Pichlak VIA - In Spring, the flowers start to blossom. There are a beautiful flower . Birds build their nests.Spring brings more sunshine and longer days .I love spring.

Lena Matynia VIB - When I was coming back home after a walk, I saw a pigeon. It collected sticks and made his nest. I like spring, because it's full of colours. Flowers and trees are blooming. The birds sing beautifully to us. The best thing is that we can spend our time actively. We can meet up with our friends and have fun.

Marcin Ślązak VIIB - I like spring. It's colorful and warm. Flowers are blooming and there is a lot of sun. In spring I usually spend most of my free time walking in the forest with my dad.

Błażej Dębski VIIC - My photo shows: blue sky, meadow and trees. Spring is beautiful.